What is a VIP Domain Store
VIP own domain stores are for those store owner who are serious about making money online! At ArtsNow.com, you can create and sell a variety of customizable products with zero upfront costs and zero inventory investment, and with customizable tools for your buyers to design their own products in real time.
Now, it is time to say "good bye" to those "sub stores" under other company's website: like
  • http://www.caxxxxxxx.com/yourname
  • http://www.socxxxx6.com/yourname
  • http://www.zaxxxx.com/yourname
if you are promoting these stores, it means that all visitors to your "sub stores" will be redirected back to these "company's websites". The buyers will re-visit your sub stores again? Of course not, because there are millions of others products they can choose from? Why choose from yours?
If you own a http://www.YourName.com domain store hosted by ArtsNow.com, everything will be different, your visitors to your VIP domain store will be yours forever, if they are satisfied with your product designs, they will definitedly re-order from your domain stores again, and they will NEVER be redirected back to ArtsNow.com. See our several VIP domain stores below, you will NEVER be able to find out any hint that these domain stores are powered by ArtsNow.com.
Furthermore, the most important things are, ArtsNow.com's VIP store base pricing is much lower than above "company's websites", you can do a detailed comparison. The shipping fees will be 50% your profits, the shipping fees markup will be split evenly with you and us, you can markup any shipping fees as you like. If you are experienced store owner, you will know that this "shipping fees markup" will be the main part of your domain store profits.
Example 1,
"custom women's white t-shirt", Caxxxxxxx.com's base pricing is $13.99, but our VIP store base is only $9.99, if you are selling at $15.99, you can earn $9.00 ($6.00 for price difference and $3.00 shipping fees) in ArtsNow.com, instead of only $2.00 in Caxxxxxxx.com.
Example 2,
"custom mousepad", Caxxxxxxx.com's base pricing is $10.99, but our VIP store base is only $4.99, if you are selling at $11.99, you can earn $10.00 ($7.00 for price difference and $3.00 shipping fees) in ArtsNow.com, instead of poor $1.00 in Caxxxxxxx.com.
VIP Domain Store Pricing
You must get an active Paypal account to subscribe our VIP Domain Store, you will get 30-day free trial, subscription fees will be billed from your Paypal account based on the price options you choose below:
Price Options:
1Free for the first 30 days,then $9.95 USD for each month
2Free for the first 30 days,then $27.95 USD for each 3 months
3Free for the first 30 days,then $53.95 USD for each 6 months
4Free for the first 30 days,then $99.95 USD for each year